Day Six...Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt for Santa's Wonderland in College Station, Texas

As I mentioned in day five of the giveaway that one of our favorite holiday traditions is jumping in the car and looking at the Christmas Lights. One of our favorite places to take our list is to Santa's Wonderland in College Station in Texas. We go every single year. Christmas would not be the same if we did not make this trek. If you go, check Groupon, they sometimes have discounted tickets.
There is also an old-fashioned, western town with a bonfire, hot chocolate, singing snowmen, singing Elvis, bands, and snow. It is an event that should be on everyone's holiday to-do list. It is so much fun and will definitely get you in the Christmas spirit. My favorite part is the enormous nativity scene at the end of the hayride. I love that it is displayed to remind us whey we are celebrating and to take pause and be gracious for the birth of Jesus and all of our heavenly gifts on earth.
I created this scavenger hunt for this specific wonderland but it could be easily modified to any drive-thru Christmas Light event.
If you go this year, post a pic on my Facebook page. I'd love to read about your favorite part of the display. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!