Welcome to the Silly Nilly Studio, a custom party studio. Come in, make yourself at home, grab a glass of iced tea or a mimosa (or since we are in Texas now, a Margarita will be just fine), view our projects, and post comments. If you stay long enough, we may even consider you to be like family. Enjoy!

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Entries in working mom from home (1)


One reason I love working from home!

During the school year my oldest, Analise is away building her "girl brain power." That gives me an opportunity to enjoy my youngest, Lexie who is three. When I am supposed to be on my computer designing I sometimes find myself sitting and watching her. She usually is in my work space so I can listen or see her little imagination flowing freely for me to steal little moments of bliss.

Recently, she has been taking my forms and has me dress them in our sample attire. The most precious thing is that they HAVE to be refered to in their proper gender. If they are wearing a dress, then they are a girl, if they are dressed in blue, then they are the boys. She carries all six of them around from room to room talking to each one. Sometimes she explains the rules of the house, other times she is playing school and they are her students. Occasionally, they get to line up in front of the TV to watch cartoons. Once, one of the boys did something wrong and had to sit in the timeout chair. :) It is a memory I hope will never leave me.

This particular day, I couldn't stand it any longer and had to capture some photos. Don't they just make your heart melt?

After they watched tv they were allowed to go on a field trip (to the front porch!)

She has been doing this "pretend friends" for about five months. If I try to put them in the closet she quietly sneaks them out one at a time until the entire gang is back together again. Needless to say, they are always positioned around my house in the most peculiar places. I sometimes wonder what my neighbors think ;)


This is our Avery dress. We have short sleeve dresses ($32.99), long sleeve dresses ($35.99). In the cooler weather I even pair it with a single ruffle pant that matches the letters on the dress ($64.99). The dress comes in a variety of colors. We currently have white, bright pink, teal, sunflower yellow, and pale pink. Check out our ETSY site for information on how to purchase this dress or send me a message. We can custom design one for you. They make excellent birthday dresses.

One of the most fabulous things about this dress is you can wear if for a few years. Once it starts getting too short, just pair it with a pair of ruffle pants and wear it like a shirt. A great value!

Thank you for supporting all things handmade.

Have a Silly Nilly Day,