Welcome to the Silly Nilly Studio, a custom party studio. Come in, make yourself at home, grab a glass of iced tea or a mimosa (or since we are in Texas now, a Margarita will be just fine), view our projects, and post comments. If you stay long enough, we may even consider you to be like family. Enjoy!

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Entries in 3 year old (1)


be only briefly envious of a 3 year olds imagination then be grateful that you were given a glimpse!


I have a 3.5 year old named Lexie. I also have an almost 7 year old (one week away), Analise. When Analise was the exact same age as Lexie is now, Lexie was born. I didn't think I could love another child as much as I loved Analise. I loved everything about her. She had a bigger than life personality that demanded attention (she still does), she had a sense of humor, she was inquisitive about everything, she was already a planner and even tried to keep her daddy organized (none of us have conquered that feat yet), and she was so lovable and cuddly. Then came along Lexie. As I stared down at her sweet, quiet little face I started to worry that she would be super shy.

I remember finally telling my mom that I was worried that Lexie would not have such a big personality like Analise. I worried that she would always be overshadowed by her big sister. Well, if the Gods of Fate were listening, they got a huge chuckle out of that one. Analise and Lexie have the exact outgoing, independent, full of sass personality and I think I'm in a world of trouble when they are both teenagers.

Here are a few pics showing Lexie's personality at our latest photo shoot. You will agree that she is a mess (but I wouldn't change it for the world). And by the way, I'm not sure how it works, but God and/or Mother Nature have a way of letting a mother love their children equally and with every ounce of your heart. I am so blessed.


This dress is one of the most versatile and the best buy for your budget. The dress shown is a size 2. Lexie is 3.5 years old so the dress is a little shorter than normal. No problem, we added a pair of capri pants and this will be the second summer she is able to wear the outfit. That's what I'm talkin' about...more bang for your buck!

The dress is made of 100% "year round" combed cotton Interlock and sewn with cotton thread. Rolled and stitched down neckline. Sleeves and dress bottom edge are scalloped and it is soft and cozy!

Visit our ETSY shop for more information on how to purchase the dress or email Jennifer if you have any quesitons.

Thank you for supporting all things handmade.

Have a Silly Nilly Day,