First and Last Day of School—The importance of preserving precious moments
I am usually always behind in good ideas. I see something on Pinterest and think, "Now, why didn't I think of that?" All the ideas are about documenting special moments from birth. Of course they didn't have Pinterest when my 8 year old was born so I missed out on those projects, but I am so glad I documented the first and last days of school for her since Kindergarten. I cry every year when I am a creating the side-by-side because it is amazing how much she has changed and she did it right in front of my eyes without me even realizing it ;(
She is now completing 3rd grade and going to 4th grade next year. Her little sister is going to Kindergarten next year...oh my, I won't even think about that right now. We even have a new addition to the group since our first set of pictures. I am blessed and beyond amazed that these perfect little people belong to me and God trusted me to be their mom.
Here are the Kindergarten pictures. She has a late birthday so she had only turned five a few weeks before the start of school. The first day we took Analise to school like all the other parents. This picture is the 2nd day when she was able to ride the bus. She was so excited. I was so nervous even though the school was only a little over a mile away from our house. Lexie was only 18 months old but you could see how excited she was to be with her big sister at the bus stop.
Here are the 1st grade pictures. Can you believe how much she changed in one year? Where did that baby face go?
Here are the 2nd grade pictures. This is the year that I noticed her personality really emerging. She is the first born so she is a little momma. She has to have a plan, she is organized, and a rule follower. She gets so upset when she thinks she has disappointed anyone or if she gets in trouble for not following a rule. I want her to be responsible but I also know that she will be seven only once so we really worked on "letting it go, and setting it free." Something I learned from my dear friend, Robin Kistler. It was the best advice ever given and I wanted to pass it along to my children while they are young enough to really incorporate it into their daily lives. By the end of the year you can see her fun side. She is more relaxed.Oh, and she started loosing her teeth. You really can't take life too seriously when you have no front teeth, right?
Here are her third grade photos. I really can't believe she just completed third grade. My sweet little girl had lots of changes this year. Many beyond her control and things an eight year old shouldn't have to deal with but she, as always, handled them beautifully. We were also blessed with amazing teachers. I think every parent worries, beyond the scope of normal worry, about their children. I especially worry about Analise and school because I know if she doubts herself at all with her school work then low self-esteem will slowly creep into her life. Her teachers were beyond awesome (we've actually been blessed every year and hope that Lexie can follow the same path of teachers!). These teachers were especially awesome because they were the perfect balance of Analise's personality. Her homeroom teacher was firm, a rule enforcer, and trusted them with a lot of extra responsibilities that us parents are less likely to make them do on their own. She also knew when to have fun. Analise loved this independence and would often lecture me with reminders. She really got a kick out of that, especially if I had forgotten and she was the one to remind me. The switch teacher has such a bubbly personality and the best laugh. She showed Analise how to try her hardest but also taught her to know when to let things go and focus on the next task. She had a sweet little baby boy this year. Analise felt a special kinship with her because they both had little boys at home to take care of ;).
One more year in elementary school. Whew, time is flying by.
Just for fun...look how much my little family changed in one year!
Thank you for letting me share a moment of my bittersweet bliss. I love my kiddos. I hope you receive as much enjoyment going through your old photos as I do. It never fails that I always get caught up in the photos and spend too much time at the computer and then I always seem to take the rest of the day to play with each of them because I realize how fast it is all going. That makes me sad but I'm glad I was blessed to be on this journey with each and every one of them. I am enjoying each and every minute with these fabulous children.
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