Day two...Let's write a letter to Santa
Ok, this promotion is going to show you my crazy, nostalgic side ;)
I design these "Dear Santa" letters so that I can keep them every year. I know, how do I do that if they are sent to Santa? We have our ELF on the Shelf take it to Santa. I have the kiddos write a little handwritten note for the Elf to take to Santa. The note asks Santa to please return the letters to mom once he is finished. Each Christmas Eve, when our Elf returns to the North Pole, he leaves a note for the kids thanking them for his adventure. He writes a P.S. that reads, "here is an early present for your mom...your Christmas letters!"
I have every one that they have written. Each Christmas, while decorating and I find myself stopping what I am doing and reading each one. My favorites are when they are first learning how to write. My girls are 10 and 6 and my son is 2. The girls help him write his letter.
I leave room above the numbers so they can write a personal note to Santa if they want to.
I also have a section where they can write their "Christmas Wish". It is a way for them to think of others during this giving season. One year, my oldest's Girl Scout troop was collecting coats so her Christmas Wish was that everyone had a coat that holiday season. This also helps me choose a community project that they can help with during the holiday season...a way for them to give back without me telling them what we are doing. Another year, one of them wished that everyone had enough food for Christmas dinner so we collected food for the food bank. The year we adopted our Lola puppy, they wanted to donate to the animal shelters. It is a great way for them to be thankful, think of others, and captures what was in their little heart that year.
One day, when I make the time to do so, I am going to frame each letter and use it for Christmas art in my house. For now, they are tucked away and bring a smile to my heart each holiday season. Enjoy!
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