Welcome to the Silly Nilly Studio, a custom party studio. Come in, make yourself at home, grab a glass of iced tea or a mimosa (or since we are in Texas now, a Margarita will be just fine), view our projects, and post comments. If you stay long enough, we may even consider you to be like family. Enjoy!

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Silly Nilly Day #4—Crafty playdate for Thanksgiving

Silly Nilly Designs hosted our very first "Mom's Time Out" craft day. One of my favorite things to do is crafts with the girls. We invited some of the neighborhood kiddos over to play with us and the mom's took a 6 hour time out! What could be better than that? Here are some pics from the day.

Here are some of the projects that we created. Their favorite was the candle holder because we put the fake lights in them. They said, "this is cool!" My favorite was the pilgrim hat. Probably because there were flowers involved. All these crafts can be found on Disney's Family Fun site.

Thank you to all the mom's who let their kiddos come play with us. We had a great time and can't wait until the next craft day. Thanks to Olivia, Henry, Lily, Maggie, Haley, Analise, and Lexie for a fantastic Silly Nilly Day!


Happy Thanksgiving,






#1 Visit an orchard!

#2 Find a field of wildflowers!

#3 Attend a local festival!

#4 Crafty Playdate for Thanksgiving (Mom's Time Out)

#5 Rudolph-inspired Candy

#6 Create a paper snowflake wonderland

#7—A very special Silly Nilly Day and Winter Wonderland!

#8—Decoupage craft day for Mother's Day!



Have a Silly Nilly Day idea #3—Attend a local festival!

I LOVE FESTIVALS! I really enjoy going to festivals for three reasons. 1) I love seeing some of the items that people are selling. I mean come on, do I really need the old fashioned clothes pins dressed up as a bride and groom? (well, yes, yes I do). I definitely have to respect the amount of detail and dedication given to complete the project.

2) I love seeing the fantastic handmade items made by everyday people. The craftsmanship is pure perfection. I can't count the times I wanted to kick myself for not buying an item once I got home. I mean, it isn't like I can just run to the store and buy the item anytime I wanted to. I remember once there was a man at the Jazz Fest in New Orleans who made toy wooden airplanes. The little wooden dolls came out of the seat and the propellers really moved. I bought a bright red one. I originally bought it to give to my very dear friend, Katy who had just received her first job with American Airlines. I never gave it to her. My insecurities overcame my good intentions. What would a recent college grad and a successful airline pilot want with a toy plane? Silly, right? Well, once Analise was born, I hung it in the nursery in honor of Katy. I want my girls to dream big and know that anything is possible. I still wish I had bought more. I can just imagine an entire playroom loaded with these bright, beautiful wooden planes.

3) I love to people watch. I spend as much time looking at the items in the booth as I do watching the people walk by. My mom often makes faces at those who are oblivious to their surroundings, then two minutes later I watch people around her make faces because she is oblivious to her surroundings. It is a humerous circle of irony to me. Then my mom wonders what I am giggling about. I also like to see what people are wearing. I know we are in the south and it is HOT, but the choices of clothing are the epitome of bad southernisms. I usually get upset when movies about the south and our southern ways are portrayed as low-class, sweaty, hairy, slow-talking white trash, then I realized the big Hollywood screen writers did all their research at southern festivals and I once again, giggle.

So, here is your Silly Nilly challenge—attend a local festival, take a picture of yourself holding an item you purchased (and if you happen to get the sweaty, hairy guy wearing a tank top in the background, well, that would just be perfect), and post it to our facebook page. I would love to see your finds. Feel free to post any upcoming festivals on our page that you think others would love to attend. Your picture may be chosen to appear in our "Silly Nilly Day slideshow" at the end of the summer!


Have a Silly Nilly Day,


Our personalized scalloped flower applique lightweight, short-sleeve t-shirt and capri pants are ridiculously cute and a great outfit for summer.

We use Monag apparel shirt. These shirts are super soft, 100% organic cotton, and have the cutest little puff sleeves (on the smaller sizes). We are super excited to be using this brand of shirt.

Pants are capri with one ruffle along the bottom and elastic waist. Individual pieces range from $25-$38. Also sold as a set at a discounted price. Choose from infant sizes as small as 6 months to big girl sizes up to size 12. Matching flip flops and hair accessories are also available.


#1 Visit an orchard!

#2 Find a field of wildflowers!

#3 Attend a local festival!

#4 Crafty Playdate for Thanksgiving (Mom's Time Out)

#5 Rudolph-inspired Candy

#6 Create a paper snowflake wonderland

#7—A very special Silly Nilly Day and Winter Wonderland!

#8—Decoupage craft day for Mother's Day!



"Have a Silly Nilly Day" idea #2—Find a field of wildflowers!

copyright 2010 | Allison Parker | Feather Nest PhotographyI have a very dear friend, Tiffany, who moved to Texas years before I did. When I visited she would tell me about the Bluebonnet fields. I had always equated it to the Azalea bushes in bloom in Louisiana. In early March, all the Azaleas would bloom at the same time throughout the state. It is beautiful. Light pink, white, hot pink, and even purple blooms surrounded every house and state building and only lasted a few short weeks.

When Tiffany would tell these stories about the Bluebonnets, I would nod my head politely and secretly not understand the frenzied look she would get in her eyes when talking about how beautiful the flowers were. Each year, Tiffany would round up her mom friends, about 20-30 women, and organize a professional photo session in the Bluebonnets for each family. They would sometimes trek more than an hour away to find the "best" bluebonnet field. For those of my friends who know Tiffany, you know that she never does anything half-hearted, therefore I just thought this was just an over-the-top, "silly," and fun thing to do with the kids, to be one with nature.

Well, I should know by now to NEVER doubt anything Tiffany says or promotes. She is right about everything.

This was my first year in Texas for the big bloom. I could feel the frenzy generating in the air so I thought, "ok, let's see what this Bluebonnet thing is all about." I found out quickly. It isn't that the Bluebonnet is an overly beautiful flower, it is the abundance in which they bloom. They are everywhere. One day, I rounded a corner and saw vehicle after vehicle lined up along the side of the road. I first thought there was a school carnival somewhere, but no, when I drove by, it was family after family taking pictures of their children in ditches, in the median of the street, and at four-way stops. I could almost hear the individual conversations from many of these moms. "I don't care if the weeds are itchy, quit complaining, sit down, smile and look happy, damn it!" click, click goes the camera.

A few days later, my friend, neighbor, and an amazing photographer, Allison | Feather Nest Photography | mentioned she was doing sessions in Chappell Hill, Texas on family land. The town was also having a Bluebonnet festival. Well, you know I had to go, three of my favorite things...flowers, festivals, and photography all in one place.

The site in Chappell Hill was even more amazing than The Woodlands. Rather than the sides of the streets lined with Bluebonnets, there were entire fields, acres and acres of Bluebonnets, and even more families out taking pictures. If you have a bucket list then you should definitely add Texas Bluebonnets to your list of things to see. PURE BEAUTY!

The day was absolutely a perfect "silly" day for our family. I love watching my girls see the world through their sparkling little eyes. I sometimes get so involved in their expressions that I actually think I can see the magic they see, or at least I can feel it in my heart. They just see the flowers, their effortless beauty, how they are soaked in vibrant color, and the eternal hope they display.

Eternal hope? In a flower? Yes, absolutely! Have you ever watched a time-elapsed video of a flower blooming? They start off tight and closed off. Then they lift their pods and with a burst of "pow, here I am world," they start to open up each leaf, one at a time, until they are fully exposed. Can you imagine how different our lives would be if we weren't so guarded and actually went into our day forgetting all the stresses of the day before, to open ourselves up to new ideas, relationships, explorations, and to let our inner beauty shine vibrantly with no concern to judgement or disappointment? I hope I can take the simplicity of a flower's life cycle and teach my girls to be beautiful, to be approachable, and to learn from disappointments, but not craft their lives around it...to love like they've never been hurt and to continue to see the beauty in the simplicity of life.

I just realized why I consider Tiffany one of my favorite friends. She is like a flower—beautiful, opens herself to honest relationships, and always explores new adventures with a smile.

Thank you Tiffany for your impeccable taste, always sharing a tip, and of course, being a dear friend to me. Thank you Allison for inviting me to one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen (your photos of the day are just as beautiful, thank you!).

copyright 2010 | Allison Parker | Feather Nest PhotographyNature is impeccably beautiful and I am blessed to have two amazing little girls of my own that help me see the beauty in small things every day of my life.

Allison shared some product shots that she took of the girls. Isn't that nice? The romper and capri jumper shown in these photos are available at our ETSY shoppe. (Tip for blog readers: supplies are limited because we only bought 10 yards of each fabric.)

FIND A FIELD OF WILDFLOWERS AND HAVE A SILLY NILLY DAY! Post your wildflower pics to our facebook page so we can all share the joy.





#1 Visit an orchard!

#2 Find a field of wildflowers!

#3 Attend a local festival!

#4 Crafty Playdate for Thanksgiving (Mom's Time Out)

#5 Rudolph-inspired Candy

#6 Create a paper snowflake wonderland

#7—A very special Silly Nilly Day and Winter Wonderland!

#8—Decoupage craft day for Mother's Day!



"Have a Silly Nilly Day" idea #1—Visit an orchard!

Visit your local orchard and pick fresh fruit or vegetables. We went to Kings Orchard in Plantersville, Texas. Visit their site for a valuable coupon and directions.

Our family loves to get in the car on a beautiful afternoon and just take a drive along country roads. We play games, listen to music, and tell stories. A few weekends ago, while driving around, we passed a sign for an orchard where you pick your own fruit. We started talking about one of our favorite fruits, strawberries, and decided that this was definitely going to be a silly nilly day.

The girls loved being in the fields, chosing their perfect strawberries, and trying to fill our 5 gallon buckets. Well, Analise did this, Lexie ate as many as she picked.

As a mom, there was a moment when I worried about the strawberries being dirty. Then I saw the juice running down her arm and the strawberry pulp all over her face, then decided that "God made dirt and dirt won't hurt." It put my mind at peace while I continued to take pictures and she continued to eat strawberries.

There was something special about seeing the little hands reaching into a strawberry patch and picking bright, beautiful strawberries. The only experience they had with bringing strawberries home was picking them out of the cooler in the produce section at the store. This gave a deeper meaning to the importance of farming, rain, hard work, and dedication. I hope this is a memory that they won't soon forget.

On the way home we listed all the things we could make with strawberries. It kinda reminded me of the Forrest Gump movie where Bubba was naming all the things you could make with shrimp. We decided the first thing we were going to make was Strawberry Smoothies. They were super yummy!

We plan on going back to pick fruit from the tree. How fun is that going to be?

Lexie is wearing our new shocking pink and white polka dot pillowcase shirt and bloomers.

Limited quantity. Suggested Retail Price $34.99. Purchase this outfit.


#1 Visit an orchard!

#2 Find a field of wildflowers!

#3 Attend a local festival!

#4 Crafty Playdate for Thanksgiving (Mom's Time Out)

#5 Rudolph-inspired Candy

#6 Create a paper snowflake wonderland

#7—A very special Silly Nilly Day and Winter Wonderland!

#8—Decoupage craft day for Mother's Day!



How to "Have a Silly Nilly Day" idea list

I usually sign my email communications with "Have a Silly Nilly Day!" Recently, I started asking myself, what is a Silly Nilly Day? That question lead to a list of more than 30 items of silly ideas to do with the kids. This is particulary important to me since I am only about 6 weeks away from summer and the girls will be home with me 'every single day.' This list is perfect to give the girls something fun to do, showcase our new outfits, and help keep the "cuckoo birds" away from mommy.

I hope this list gives you some ideas on how to have a Silly Nilly Day and I hope you share your fun ideas and photos with us as well.

Have a Silly Nilly Day,


#1 Visit an orchard!

#2 Find a field of wildflowers!

#3 Attend a local festival!

#4 Crafty Playdate for Thanksgiving (Mom's Time Out)

#5 Rudolph-inspired Candy

#6 Create a paper snowflake wonderland

#7—A very special Silly Nilly Day and Winter Wonderland!

#8—Decoupage craft day for Mother's Day!


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