Welcome to the Silly Nilly Studio, a custom party studio. Come in, make yourself at home, grab a glass of iced tea or a mimosa (or since we are in Texas now, a Margarita will be just fine), view our projects, and post comments. If you stay long enough, we may even consider you to be like family. Enjoy!

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Favorite Find—Dark Chocolate Chunk Cherry Cake Recipe

Last Friday, one of my favorite families invited us over for dinner. We were  stoked by the invitation because our children get along so well and we like the adults. That is important. One, because it just isn't enjoyable if the children bicker and fuss the entire night. Two, the children can get along great but the parents aren't enjoyable, then really, what is the point. Come on, y'all know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm just being honest.

What makes it even more nice of a story is the mom is 9 months pregnant. I told her I should be cooking for her, but she insisted that she wanted to entertain and cook for us. She suggested that I bring a dessert. When I asked her what flavor her family enjoyed, her eyes got really large and she said, "chocolate!" Well, I now know why I like her so much. Chocolate is a food group in our household. As soon as I got home I started looking through all my Southern Living cookbooks. I couldn't disappoint a pregnant mom, right?

I found this Dark Chocolate Chunk Cherry Cake recipe and decided to try it. For some reason, when I take food to people, I always try new recipes for the first time. I did that with our supper club as well. You would think that I would pull out my tried and true recipes so I could impress them with my culinary skills, but no, they get the trial and error versions just like my family does. I wonder why I do that.

Anyway, I wanted to make it before Analise got home from school and Lexie woke from her nap. I usually let them help me crack the eggs, sift the flour, lick the beaters, but a normal 1 hour recipe always ends up being at least a 2.5 hour adventure and somehow my kitchen has more cake batter on it than there is in the bowl. So this day, I was sneaking in a little cooking time without the girls. I did save the beaters so I wasn't all that ruthless. (I know, don't lecture me on the raw eggs in the batter. It is just one of those things that I remember doing as a kid and loved! I say a little prayer each time I hand them a beater hoping they won't get sick.)

I had the cake in the oven, the kitchen cleaned, and everything put away before Analise got home and before Lexie woke up. I started to get a little complaint from the two of them until they saw the beaters that I saved, then a smile broke and all was well.

After I finished the cake, I left them in the kitchen so I could go get dressesd. This is what I found when I got back. I'm so excited that I had the camera sitting right there. The lighting wasn't the best, but I'm glad I was able to get the snapshots. Especially, the photo of them both staring at the cake. They kept looking at each other wondering if they should touch it. Ultimately, Lexie, being only two, decided the consequences were worth a taste.

The cake was a success. It was really a nice treat to take to a friend's house after a wonderful dinner. The sausage pasta she made could also be a favorite find. It was delicious. All four of the kiddos ate it as well. That is a success in any book.

You can find this recipe in the 2006 Christmas with Southern Living recipe book page 16 or you can download the pdf below of the designed recipe card that I created. Either way, I hope you make this cake and have a silly nilly day while doing it. ENJOY!

 **We did not create the beautiful dresses the girls are wearing...but we can! Check out our ETSY store for our latest ridiculously cute clothing for kids. You can also find us on facebook where we usually preview our clothing first and offer great promotions.**

Have a silly nilly day,


Favorite find of the day: Half-Price Frappuccino Drinks at Starbucks

Well, I love to try new things and I love when they are on sale. I admit, I've never had a frappuccino. I'm sure I will get hooked on them and drink them all summer. That is just great. I am pleasantly surprised that a grande caramel frappuccino light blend coffee with no whipped cream is only 167 calories. Yeah!

I am a Louisiana girl so I am a huge supporter of CC's Coffee House. They are much better than Starbucks in my opinion, but sadly, there aren't any franchises in Texas. So, I will be going to my local Starbucks trying my "favorite find of the day" on May 7.

Half-Price Frappuccino Blended Beverages—Starbuck Happy Hour

I hope you enjoy this find!

Have a Silly Nilly Day!


Favorite find of the day: Horseshoe nail crosses

The craftsmanship on these crosses are amazing. They are hand made by two high school friends of mine, Robbie and Crystal Hudson Priest. I grew up in a small town where you know everyone. I remember when I went to college a friend of mine was excited that they made the local paper with a recent accomplishment. I couldn't understand the excitement until I realized that it was their first time in print. You see, small town papers will print anything, even your placement in a local 4-H egg cooking contest. Everyone knows everyone, good, bad, or indifferent, but they are still known. It is a good thing. Your life in that moment of history is preserved by the memories, stories, adventures, and bonds with those we call friends, no matter how long time has elapsed or how far the distance that one may move, you always have a connection to your home. Luckily, I have good memories with these two artisians.

I first saw their crosses listed on Crystal's facebook page and instantly contacted her about getting a few to sell at our school carnival. This art really spoke to my spiritual heart. These pieces of metal that are usually used as function on the bottom of a horse's hoof were turned into beautifully crafted pieces of art. It is ironic to me to compare these beautiful, sleek nails to nails much larger than this, more dirty than this, harsher and more corse that were used to nail into the hands of a man that ultimately pinned him to a cross of his own. To me, these crosses are the most simplistic way to show that you understand and appreciate the sacrifice made for your life today.

These crosses can be made in any color combination especially in school spirit colors. They would also be great at a church or school fundraiser.

Suggested Retail Price: $10

To place an order, post a comment below and I will put you in contact with Robbie and Crystal directly. I don't want to display their private number for obvious reasons.


Favorite find of the day: FREE WALLPAPER for your computer.

Well, you all should know by now that I love all things handmade. It is refreshing, inspiring, and praise-worthy. My latest find is from an amazing art student at LSU, Courtney Wilburn. She actually worked in our office while I was the art director at LSU Public Affairs. She creates stationary and invitations. She recently created a free wallpaper for your computer screen. It is worth checking out and very refreshing. Also, check out her blog.

Great work, Courtney!